Racing The
The South Dakota Kayak Challenge is
a 72-mile race that begins in Yankton and
ends in South Sioux City. As paddlers push
off from the Missouri River shore, they
know their biggest rival might not be other
competitors but nature herself.
“The South Dakota Kayak Challenge is
unique in that it lives up to its name: there
are many formidable challenges,” says
cofounder and race director Jarrett Bies.
One is the prairie wind. “Naturally,” says
Bies, “our South Dakota wind is the biggest
challenge, as it’ll sap not just your strength
but your desire to continue.”
Sounds foreboding but there is yet
another challenge. The first 59 miles of the
race take kayakers through the longest and
still-natural wild stretch of the Missouri.
Kayakers encounter sandbars, strong
currents, snags and confusing channels. The
last 13 miles present their own challenges: a
60 – Yankton, South Dakota
channelized river with heavy boat traffic.
Both veterans and newbies may join
the race, which is typically held on the last
Saturday of May. Most participants bring
colorful kayaks, but you can paddle anything
you wish — a kayak, paddleboard, surf ski or
a log.
Safety is the number one goal, but
competition is a close second for many
of the river adventurers. Fun ranks third.
The challenge weekend begins on Friday
with check-ins, a mandatory safety briefing
and a free supper in Yankton’s Riverside
Park. Visitors are welcome to camp in the
park, beneath giant cottonwoods on the
Boat check-in begins at 5:35 a.m. Saturday
morning, and the race begins at 7 a.m. sharp.
An awards ceremony is held about 12 hours
later at the Delta Hotel in South Sioux City,
Neb., where free camping is again provided.