Sites & Attractions
in its original 1880s décor with oil paintings
by Alice Bullfinch Cramer decorating the
walls. Open for guided tours from Memorial
Day through Labor Day, Wednesday - Sunday
from 1 - 4 p.m. During the off season, the
home is open by appointment. Suggested
donation is $7 for adults and $3 for students
under 12.
Dakota Spirit Fountain
4th Street & Broadway Avenue
Keep Yankton Beautiful
presented this
fountain to the City of
Yankton in 2006. The
fountain reconnects
Yankton with its past
of being called “The
Fountain City”. This
fountain fittingly
called “Dakota Spirit” was sculpted out of one
solid 18 ton block of South Dakota granite
from Milbank. The fountain appears to be
made of many layers. These layers represent
all the different people that make up South
Dakota’s past and present.
Dakota Territorial Capitol Replica
Riverside Park
(Intersection of Douglas Ave. & Levee St.)
(605) 668-5231
Built by the Yankton
Sertoma Club,
the capitol replica
symbolizes Yankton as
being the first capitol
of the Dakota Territory
from 1861-1883. The
replica is patterned
after the original
Dakota Territorial Capitol built in Yankton
in 1862 and torn down in 1886. Displays in
the building include photographs of old
Yankton, maps of the Dakota Territory, a
gallery of former Dakota Territorial governors
and a tribute to the local St. John’s Masonic
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