Sites & Attractions
USS Scorpion Historical Marker
Walnut Street & Riverside Drive
by U.S.
Dakota Chapter, this historical marker is
located near the Missouri River on the west
side of the Meridian Bridge. Scorpion was
launched on July 20, 1942 and their first
patrol was a hunting and mining mission
near Honshu, Japan in April 1943. Scorpion
went on three patrols that earned her a
battle star. She was involved with a series of
torpedo attacks and gun battles. On Jan. 5,
1944, Scorpion rendezvoused with Herring
to transfer an injured man, but heavy seas
prevented a safe transfer. Scorpion and 77
courageous crewmen were never seen again.
30 – Yankton, South Dakota
Veterans Memorial
321 W. 3rd Street
This memorial is
dedicated to all
veterans, past,
present and future,
whose sacrifices
continue to protect
our freedom. The
red, white and
blue memorial
was designed by Luken Memorials to be
up-lifting and reaching to the stars with the
bronze eagle taking flight. The wording on
the west side “All Gave Some, Some Gave All”
refers to the sacrifices of our current and past
veterans. The five granite pedestals display
lasered scenes particular to each branch
of the military. The main feature memorial
contains three different colors of granite
Rubin Red - India, Sierra White - United States
and Blue Pearl - Norway.