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EXPLORE. DISCOVER MORE. ENJOY YANKTON – THE MOTHER CITY OF THE DAKOTAS Thank you for considering Yankton as your destination. With so many things to see and do in Yankton, we know you’ll enjoy your time here and will want to come back again soon. We want you to know that this guide portrays only a small number of the fantastic sites, attractions, retail and restaurant destinations awaiting you in Yankton. When you arrive we invite you to Explore and Discover More in Yankton. Kasi Haberman, Director Yankton Convention & Visitors Bureau 605-665-3636 visityankton@yanktonsd.com www.visityanktonsd.com Yankton Visitors Guide is an annual publication of Yankton Media Inc., 319 Walnut, Yankton, SD 57078, Telephone: (605) 665-7811. Advertising rates and general information can be furnished upon request or downloaded at www.yankton.net. Yankton Media Inc., makes every effort to ensure that all information presented in this issue is accurate. However, neither Yankton Media Inc., nor the Yankton Convention & Visitors Bureau nor any of their staff is responsible for omissions or information that has been misrepresented to the magazine. Nor can they be held responsible for the opinions expressed or the information supplied therein. ©2018, Yankton Media Inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in part or whole requires written permission from the Publisher. Photos in this publication are courtesy of Yankton Daily Press & Dakotan, Yankton Convention & Visitors Bureau, South Dakota Tourism, and South Dakota Magazine, Bernie Hunhoff and Brian Wells. 4 – Yankton, South Dakota