The Mead
Riverboat captains, politicians, Native
American leaders, military generals,
missionaries, homesteaders and business
pioneers all converged in Yankton in the 19th
century, leaving this old Missouri River port
with legends and stories as rich as any place
in the West.
That rollicking history remains evident
in the architecture, cemeteries, streets and
neighborhoods of Yankton, but today the
best place to savor it is at South Dakota’s
newest museum, the Mead Cultural
Education Center, which will open in early
summer of 2018.
The Mead, as it’s called locally, is a dreamcome-true for historians and civic leaders.
For years, Yanktonians have worked together
on a grand vision to relocate the old Dakota
Territorial Museum into a three-story granite
building that once was the hub of the state’s
mental health hospital.
The 50,000 square-foot Mead building
was built in 1909 at the urging of Dr. Leonard
Mead, who was superintendent at the
hospital for several decades. After a building
fire caused the deaths of 17 female patients
in 1899, Dr. Mead convinced state lawmakers
that a beautiful hospital campus would be
good therapy for his mental health patients,
and it proved to be true: his success rates
were considered impressive in that age of
Dr. Mead was a health care visionary who
also fancied himself an amateur architect. He
was quite involved in designing the building
that now bears his name, as well as other
structures built on the hospital campus. Most
of the structures were built of Sioux granite,
a popular material in the 19th century that is
still mined on South Dakota’s eastern border.
Dr. Mead’s amazing campus served
the state well for several generations. But
when a new state hospital complex was
constructed in the 1980s, the Mead building
was abandoned and sat empty for decades.
Many times, it seemed destined for the
wrecking ball; at one point, a governor called
for demolition bids. But about 10 years ago,
the Yankton County Historical Society made
a last-ditch effort to save the building.
Local historians and leaders worked with
Governor Dennis Daugaard and Lt. Gov.
Matt Michels (a longtime Yankton resident)
to develop a plan to restore the building
into a world-class museum. The effort is now
reaching fruition.
The $5 million effort has been an
interesting collaboration for local
craftspeople and volunteers because even
though the Mead was built of Dakota
granite, the building also has an international
flavor. The first step was to repair the red
tile roof to stop moisture damage. Amazing
balconies were also stabilized. Then the work
moved indoors.
Workers have also tended to terrazzo
floors, a grand marble staircase that came
from Italy and beautiful arched windows that
have been carefully restored or meticulously
recreated by woodworkers.
Crystal Nelson, executive director of
the Yankton County Historical Society,
shepherded the project from dream to
reality. She is excited to finally welcome
visitors to the Mead. “Yankton has always
been proud of our history and heritage,” she
says. “We now have a museum building that
is as rich and beautiful as the stories and
artifacts that we’re entrusted to preserve.”
Eight historic buildings at the historical
society’s old complex by Westside park are
also being moved to the campus, including a
railroad depot, country school and log cabin.
Yanktonians are excited to see a new
neighborhood unfolding on the north
edge of their community. Commercial and
residential development will eventually
grow there, inspired by the community-wide
effort to save the vision of Dr. Mead. But
first the people of Yankton will celebrate a
major accomplishment of repurposing one
of the West’s most impressive buildings. They
welcome you to join them at The Mead.
vSouth Dakota Magazine
Yankton, South Dakota – 9