Sites & Attractions
the work and objectives of the hatchery.
The hatchery is one of 65 National Federal
Hatcheries and Fish Technology Centers
operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Aquarium open May 1 through Labor Day
daily from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. Hatchery open
year round Monday - Friday 7 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Green Island Recreation Area
South side of the Missouri River, adjacent to
the Corps of Discovery Bridge
(605) 665-0209
hiking are
some of the
that can be
done here! This site offers 5 primitive camp
sites, the site is only accessible by watercraft.
These sites are non-fee sites.
Hebda Family Produce & Prairie Gardens
(formerly Garrity’s)
30661 444th Avenue (5 miles East on
Whiting Drive and 2.5 miles North on
444th Avenue)
(605) 665-2806
A visit to Hebda
Family Produce
& Prairie
Gardens located
at Mission Hill
is an orchard
and berry farm
which includes
along with over 10 varieties of apples
encompassing 55 acres. They are the farmers
18– Yankton, South Dakota
market where you will find homemade jams
and jellies, fruit pies, salsa, spaghetti sauces,
South Dakota made products and many
gift ideas. Farm store on property and at
Yankton Mall. Farm store open June through
December by appointment only.
House of Mary Shrine
142 Drees Drive (7 miles West on Hwy. 52)
(605) 668-0121
Approaching the
House of Mary
Shrine from
Hwy. 52 you will
find the Chapel
of St. Joseph, a
Rosary Pond, the
Little House of
Mary, and the
Mary Entrance.
You then begin
the ascent with
fountains, the Way of the Cross, and, at last,
the three giant crosses overlooking Lewis
and Clark Lake standing sentinel to the
life and death of Jesus Christ. The descent
leads to the tomb, Moses with the Ten
Commandments, and St. Michael. The House
of Mary greets you at the ground level, and
across the road the Holy Innocents Garden
and the Way of the Saints welcome you. The
gift shop is open daily May - September from
1:00 - 4:00 p.m. The Chapel is open daily for
quiet meditation and prayer. Masses are
held Saturdays at 9:00 a.m. and Mondays in
the summer at 9:00 a.m. The Rosary is prayed
before Masses and on Sunday the Patriotic
Rosary is at 4:00 p.m.